Monday, March 7, 2011

Bucket List this B****

The title of this post is a quote from Easy A...which I quote way way too much. Anyway, this is my bucket list, the things I need to do before I kick the bucket.
...In no particular order...

1. Make-out in through a pair of hazmat suits.
2. Skinny dipping...because for some reason, I haven't yet
3. Ride in a hot air balloon
4. Go somewhere in an airplane, or just go on an airplane ride...or just be in an airplane
5. See the ocean, the real live ocean
6. Kiss a stranger...make it a good kiss.
7. Touch an iceberg
8. Kiss in the rain
(lots of kissin...)
9. Get flowers for no reason
10. Perform in a band..for more than Seth's family.

11. Touch a giraffe
12. Have my portrait painted or sketched
13. Ride in a Limo
14. Have someone sing a song to me
15. Ride in a convertible
16. Make a cake and get paid for it!
17. Meet the love of my life
18. Have Vegas!
19. Steal a street sign

21. Jump into water from rather high, fully clothed
22. Glitter fight
23.  Kiss underwater
24.  Dress up to be super gorgeous and fancy for no reason...if I can't find a good reason...
25...finish my buck list.