Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Babble from the mouth of Tina P.

I had like the WORST day EVER. Soooo Ned "McNasty" came up 2 me and asked me if he could sit next 2 me! Can u believe that??? I was like " After meeting you, I've decided I am in favor of abortion in cases of incest." He is so dumb. He didn't even get it. That was at a *$, btw. I left after that. Like no duh. Then, I met KT at the mall. And she gave me the 411 on Dave. He totally broke up with Linz! Gr8, right? No. 3 sec later he was with Sarah! Sarah! I mean every girl has a right 2 be ugly, but she is abusing that privilage! IMO if he's that dumb, I don't want him. 4COL! W8. EM. Just gotta txt........nw.....Greg Millard just txted me! I'll post our convo.
G: Hey. Sup?
T: Hi :) n2mhbu?
G:nm. ymmd
G:Txting back.
T:ymmd 2
T:Txting me frst
G:have a ?
-no! would you be it????-
G:Srry. g2g! txt you L8er!
-Yeah! That just happened! I'm way too excited! Gotta go! I need to tell KT, Lizz, M & Elle RIGHT NOW!

If you completely understood this post, there's...er...something wrong with you.

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