Thursday, July 1, 2010

Things That NEED To Be Removed From This Planet

This is a minivan. It is going to transport the things in this list off this corrupt planet and into oblivion....and then stay with them.

The Things Takin' the Ride:
1. Muse. Why? Every single time the lead singer dude takes a breath, it's like he's trying to suck up the entire population of China. Like a baby with whooping cough. It's disgusting.

2. Teens attempting to grow facial hair when they can't. Why? It's SUPER disgusting! I usually wan't to say "Shave off your hair or I'll shave off your head!!!" but I usually say "'s definitely coming in..."
3. Les Miserables. Why? It's OVERdone, OVERrated, OVERplayed.
4. Andrew Robertson. Why? He's funny. I'm jealous. AND if I tried using his humor it wouldn't be funny because I'm a girl...I guarantee it. Am I saying Andrew is girly? Yup. (slightly just kidding...?) He's the one holding the flimsy flower girl...but everyone in this picture can hop in the minivan if they want-except for me of course.

5. Reality shows about midgets. Why? Why not??There is much much more, but I'm taking a quick break...for like a few days until I'm not lazy again. Just remember, these guys are NOT getting on that minivan!

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