Monday, July 26, 2010


Often, people are dumb, and I mean OFTEN! Sometimes dumb people make you sad. Solution? Revenge.
SO, I came up with a lovely list of ways to annoy people, and get revenge, without hurting someone's feelings "intentionally". (of course, it is intentional, but they don't have to know that.)

  • Reply to someone with "That's what you think."
  • Stand over someone's shoulder, mumbling as they read
  • Never OR Always laugh at what they say
  • Spel eezy wordz rong
  • At a restaurant, consistently keep on sending your food back saying "that's not what I ordered"
  • Whenever they say ANYTHING to you ALWAYS reply with "I know"
  • When walking, push an invisible cart and make squeaky noises
  • Call them a communist
  • Disagree with ALL their views
  • Pretend your invisible
  • Complain about how ugly/fat you are
  • Press the "power" button on on their computer or keyboard when they're almost finished typing up a long essay. Apologize sincerely, claiming that you thought it was the button to adjust brightness
  • Answer a question with another question...optional: when they finally say a statement shout "I WIN"
  • Ask someone to prove everything they say ("Hey, nice to see you" "PROVE IT")
  • Insist to them you are family
  • Tell them their fly is down when they're wearing sweatpants
  • Move their bookmark ahead a few pages when they're not looking
  • Fit the word "cornucopia" into every sentence you say
  • Insist that Miley Cyrus is better than the Beatles
  • Insist that totally untrue things are "No, really, I KNOW that Florida is next to California" or "Bush is still the president"
  • "Forget" the punchline of a LONG joke
  • Tell them their accent isn't fooling anyone
  • Finish your sentences with "in accordance to prophecy"
  • While golfing (for who knows why) say "swing batabatabat-suhwing batta"
  • Lie obviously about trivial things
  • Start each meal with licking everything and claim it's so they won't steal it
Some people just stink enough to deserve it. Am I right?