Sunday, December 19, 2010

The World of Hot Somewhat Fictional Characters

I approve of videogames. Why? 
I will answer that question with a question.
Why not? 
Some may say "Because they are violent, pointless, addicting, stupid, not fun, not real, waste of time, etc."
To them I say. Shut up. No one asked your opinion, now let me say mine.
Apart from games being really fun, because they are,  there is one reason to play them that trumps any reason not to:
Hot Somewhat Fictional Characters.
I say "somewhat" because they are real. They're real to me. In my heart. 
Examples? Yes please.

1. Link from The Legend of Zelda Series
 Look at that.
 Though Link has appeared in many different incarnations in his games, we all know that this Hyrule hero will always be the same at heart. He is a hero, holds multiple responsibilities, saves the world,  has a deep caring factor....and he's gorgeous. *sigh of love*

2. Ezio Auditore Da Firenze from Assassins Creed
This guy is just so legit. He does such wicked, awesome, kill moves. SOOO cool. Which makes him attractive. He was a Florentine noble during the Italian Renaissance and, unbeknownst to most historians and philosophers, a central member and Grand Master of the Assassin's Order. sweeeet. 

3. Desmond Miles from Assassin's Creed

DIFFERENT from Ezio, just for you unknowings, Desmond Miles is one of the protagonist in Assassin's Creed. A bartender, Desmond was kidnapped by Abstergo Industries and taken to a secret laboratory, where he was put into the custody of Dr. Warren Vidic and Dr. Lucy Stillman. Although Desmond can be considered the protagonist of Assassin's Creed, the game is centered around his ancestors. But he's HOT. 

4. Kaiden Alenko from Mass Effect
Kaidan is a human Sentinel and a Systems Alliance Marine. He's a biotic wired with the controversial L2 implants, which are known to cause severe neurological damage to the user, but luckily, he only suffers from occasional migraines. As multi-talented as he is intelligent, Kaiden is cautious and self-controlled. 
He's lived a tough virtual life, and he is not bad looking, my friends. 

5. Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 2
Okay, I don't wanna be one of those weird anime-obsessed creeper girls, this guy is cute, like "ahhhh" cute. You know? Okay maybe not. Anyway, Roxas is the nobody of the main character, Sora. There's a lot of background to this, but basically if someone gives up their heart they create a heartless and a nobody. Sora cheesily "gave up" his heart to his lady friend, and Roxas poofed into existence as Sora's nobody. 
I just like him.

6.Nathan Drake from Uncharted

So, I've never actually played this game, but you gotta admit, he is FINE. I like his hair. But anywho, Drake frequently makes sarcastic quips and taunts, which is excellent because sarcasm rocks. Matt Casamassina of IGN commented on the character's interactions during gameplay that reveal Drake's nature: "it's lighthearted and amusing, but it also demonstrates that Nate is aware of how absurd his predicaments sometimes are. It's a small, unimportant communication, but it makes sense that the two would behave exactly as they do."
Sounds goooood to me.

7.Alan Wake from...Alan Wake
This is guy is sssweeeeeeeet. Why? He defeats evil axe-throwing demon spirits with a flashlight, a flashlight..and a gun, but whatever. He has a nice voice too, which kind of gets annoying with all his crazy narration, but, again, whatever. I still like the game, and I still appreciate this writing ghost fighter.

8. Sam Fisher
Sam is a real straight-forward guy. Though fully aware and confident of his abilities, Fisher understands that his survival has often been a gift of chance. He's Bad-A.  Fisher possesses a distinctly dark sense of humor, which is great. Personality-wise, Fisher is abrasive and honest, and has little patience for niceties and even less for lies, especially when the immediate problem presents itself. 

9. The Prince of Persia from Prince of Persia
This prince is more accustomed to blood and battles than thrones and theocracy. He is a mysterious character, with a rough exterior and a good heart. His facial scars do not detract from his perfectly chiseled jaw line, and his lucky scarf combines with his tousled hair to give him the look of a playful rocker from the rough side of town. Mmmmmm.

10. John Marston from Red Dead Redemption
Not gonna lie, this one was a toss-up for me. He's really not that hot looking and his voice sounds like Billy Ray Cyrus, BUT he's an upstanding guy that is pretty dang sweet. His loyalty and dedication are what really makes this rough gritty guy attractive and sexy. 


  1. Ok ok this comment is like waaay late, but like I can't believe I've played a video game you haven't. I love Drake's Uncharted. And he IS hot.

  2. YES. TO all of this. I've played almost every game on here, and I didn't think that anyone else felt the same way! Prince of Persia? HOTT. Drake? HOTT. Yes PLEASE. hahahah thank you so much nikole! (:
