Friday, December 3, 2010

Failure to Launch

WELL. I have written many posts. All of them are pretty stupidly entertaining. But you know what? I've had a lot of stupidly stupid ideas or difficult ones that never made it out onto the actual blog. I am gonna share those posts with you.
Right now.
The italicized purple text is what I was thinking. 
Yeah. That's right!
Okay. Here we go.

1. Realizations
Here I am, bored out of my mind and procrastinating homework/studying for as long as I can, when I started realizing stuffs.
People college there are...crap. Snap. I can't think of anything. Screw it.

2.Love: The Silent Killer
Almost all...meaning all, of my posts are basically dumb. Me being dumb. Let's take a step back, get a little serious, and talk about love.

You might be wondering "Nikole, what do you know about love?" My answer: nothing. I've never been in love. I've liked people, sure, but love?

What is love? Welll...some say it's friendship set on fire, others say it's like luck, and still others say it doesn't exist. I honestly have know idea. But I've heard talk...and I think I've gathered a few things about the realm of love that I would like to share.
1.) Attraction. You can't love someone you ain't attracted too. That doesn't mean ugly people can't fall in love, it just means that even they
What am I even talking about?  Ugly people can fall in love...with other ugly people that that ugly person finds attractive...which is less rare than you think...and, i'll work on this later.

3.)Plan for the Universe
I've come up with a plan for the rest of the universe. Trust me!
1.) Everything is free
This sounds good at first, until you realize the seemingly terrible downsides.We can't really have infinite desires with finite resources. Correct? So we need some sort of merit system, which would most likely cause a lot of tension on the planet. I say, let there be tension!!! Survival of the fittest. The very few survivors will be very happy with their seemingly endless resources til the planet dies.
This could be so epic! I'm gonna come back to this when I have enough time to give it the attention it needs!
(I never did)

4.)Curdled Milk, Rubber Hashbrowns, and Cheese Sandwhiches
That's all I wrote. The Title. I don't remember what it was about. 

5.) Love vs Hate
Love: V8 Fusion. It actually does taste good. AND there's a hidden serving a vegetables. It's a 46ounce Pomegranate-Blueberry Liquid Miracle!

Hate: Carbonation. It always burns my throat. I know, I'm a huge sissy...but it is what it is.

Love: Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.

You're one hundred percent positive that the ship which is crashed on the bottom of this ocean is the ship which you said you were one hundred percent positive could one hundred percent positively never crash?

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot opeople very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.

Hate: Twilight

I can do this, I lied to myself feebly. No one was going to bite me.

I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful.

In a lot of ways, living with Charlie was like having my own place, and I found myself reveling in the aloneness instead of being lonely.

Gag. one cares about this stuff. I'm gonna go play Zelda. 

6.) Not a Slander
I was walking around today, hurryin to class and what not, when I saw this girl. Whatever, I see a million people everyday on campus. I looked up with my "I-am-so-bored-and-not-wanting-to-talk-to-anyone face" when she said "Hey! I LOVE your earrings!"
Wha? My face morphed from I-am-so-bored-and-not-wanting-to-talk-to-anyone to surprise to a smile. Being so polite and awesome, I replied, "Hey, thanks!"
"You're welcome!" 
And we just kept walking. 
Okay, not an exciting story, I know. It happens everyday. I know. Some people are just more outgoing than others. I know. 
BUT it made me want to compliment people. So, to followers and non-followers, here we go:
Seth: I like you're dark wash jeans. They are uber hott and make you look like Channing Tatum, but more awesome.
Andrew: Your voice is like audible platinum. I'm not just saying that. 
This is gonna take forever! I give up.'s a retarded stupid idea.
(Dan, nothing against you. I would have put Dan: Your hair is SO HOT! All lengths!)

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