Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Easy A....my life.

So, I've watched the movie Easy A a couple of times now. 1. I LOVE it. 2. I want to be her. Therefore, I'm gonna do my best to do so....right now.
Here's the beef of the movie:
After a little white lie about losing her virginity gets out, a clean cut high school girl sees her life paralleling Hester Prynne's in "The Scarlet Letter," which she is currently studying in school - until she decides to use the rumor mill to advance her social and financial standing.
That's it in a nutshell. So the protagonist, Olive, tells her side of the story with a big ol' webcast, in an effort to smooth out this nasty rumor. My "webcast" is going to be my blog. My losing the v-card story will be a rather upsetting tale about a couple of roommates and our inability to get along. She splits her story into different parts, from "The rumor-filled totally false account of how I ruined my flawless reputation" to  "Not with a fizzle, but with a BANG"

So enjoy, dear reader who could probably care less.

Part 1: Tears of Joy and then REGRET.
Yes. Joy. I got into a somewhat prestigious college close to home, and with full tuition. FULL tuition. Well, this college "strongly encourages" incoming freshmen to move into the dorms, so okay. In addition to my scholarship, I got a good chunk of money from the government. It's called a grant. Very useful...college goers? Look into it. So, I logged on the university's website and picked a corner bed in a corner room of a corner apartment...an empty apartment.
A while later some random girl added me as a friend on facebook. Sophia...with a little message "Um..I think we're roommates" How did she know?!?!?! So I looked it up ASAP. hmmm...Sophia, Nikole, Jenna, Elizabeth (Ashley)....Amy and Holly.
I knew them.
I went to school with them.
But wanna know the real down to earth secret? I never really liked them. Holly was kinda "meh", but Amy was not a grade A friend. I always found her rather egotistical in a disgusting way. Sorry. Bein' frank. Anyway, I'm not holdin back here, I cried. In absolute utter frustration. I CRIED. My mom will totally back me up on this.
After I wiped away my not needed tears, I called Holly and Amy, and told them to please move in so many words. My "window" of moving had ended. Theirs hadn't. I was belligerent when they denied, I told myself, I guess I'll make the best of this....until it blows up in my face, because I know it will.
It did.
Part 2: Making the Best out of a No Good Terrible Gross Situation
Looooonnnnnnnnngggggg story short: it was hard to get along. I tried to in the summer, but it was a no from day one. I was even giving them the benefit of the doubt in my own personal journal. "Amy is kind of condescending," "I'm having a bit of a problem with Holly....," "Amy has a tendency to be egoistical," etc. I was even putting it nicely in my own private journal with my own private thoughts.
So we moved in. Exciting day!!! I met my other roommates, and in a non-gross lezbo way, we were a match made in heaven. But after a few days of happy go-lucky jazz with my hidden annoyance, it all changed.
Part 3: Maybe a Match Made in Hell (Sorry if that offends...)
That's right. Why? Because eventually it was clear my extreme annoyance with the two girls was shared by my other roommates. That was good. Really it was. Because we could share our feelings and anger with each other. Unfortunately, those feelings grew like a huge-o forest fire. Big whoop. Right? Then Holly went and made us all mad in the most despicable way.
That trick turned me in.
I like how Ashley words the situation.
" Nikole walks in, obviously upset. Apparently a CERTAIN roommate was uncomfortable with the fact that Nikole occasionally spends the night at a friend's house, so she went right ahead and talked to our RA to "see if it was against the Honor Code" without even talking to Nikole about it first!! (And just to clarify, Nikole and a group of her best friends have been having sleepovers with each other for a while now at this house, and yes, there are a couple males involved. They do everything together...they even formed a band a few weeks ago :) But she never knew this was against the Honor Code because she wasn't doing bad things or even doing it on campus. Just a group of besties hanging out at someone's house.) So the RA went to the Head RA, and they're going to talk to the Honor Code office about it. This is worse than it sounds. The Honor Code people take their job very seriously, and if they feel the Honor Code is being broken, serious measures will be taken. Nikole could very easily lose her scholarship, and if worse comes to worse, she could even be kicked out of the school."
To say I was upset, is a steep understatement. So, we talked to them. After our discussion, it was supposedly understood that all Honor Code violations be brought up with the person before the H.C.O.
Remember that. It's important to the story.
ANYWHO, we were all frustrated with the two (fill in a variety of insults). So, in all honesty, we weren't exactly nice to them. In our defense, we never did anything terrible and they were hardly home anyway. PLUS, they did stuff back, like walk in two minutes after guys are supposed to leave saying "Do you kids need help moving to the lobby?" Gag.
Mostly, we just talked about them behind their backs. We are college girls. It happens.
Part 4: Deny Me Once, I Try to Get Along, Deny Me Twice, You Gotta Get the H*** OUT
It wasn't long before we were all sick of the situation. We talked to them, as straight up as possible, the four of us told them why they do NOT mesh in this apartment and why they should move. They denied again.
You know...Amy kept on talking about how she doesn't need acceptance to be who she is blah blah blah won't change for anyone blah. Amy. Girl. If you ever read this, frankly, you're an idiot. No one wanted you to change, we wanted your butt out of our place.
We decided that we're sick of all this stupid stuff, and made an agreement to be nice from now on. No backtalking. No pranks. No nothing. Nice.
Part 5: A Broken Promise
Remember how we would take up Honor Code stuffs with the person first? Yeah. Those girls don't know what an agreement is.
Jenna, Sophie, Ashley, and I all had meetings, individually, with the Hall Advisor and the head of ALL housing at BYU to discuss our "disregard of the rules".  Here's the deal. My best friend ever, Sophie's brother and Jenna's brother have been in their sister's bedrooms. NO ONE cared. Well, untrue, someone did, but they didn't have the lady balls to come talk to us about it. They told their mother. Their mother. Who called the head of housing and complained.
Time out.
We moved out. We are living on our own. We are legal adults. Is it really appropriate to get your mom involved in something like this? No. It's not.
Anyway, so because my "offense" wasn't family, I'm in even more trouble. I do have to move out. Let us hope that the behavioral contract I now have to sign tomorrow doesn't involve me paying for housing anyway.

So that's that.
The entire story.
That's my side of the story, the right side.
I didn't exaggerate the truth. I didn't lie.
Questions? Post 'em. I'll answer full heartily.

Amy, Holly, I wish you luck in your life. Because in all honesty...you're gonna have a rough time. Four people are moving out, and changing their lives completely, leaving their new ward and neighbors....because of you. I have to move home. I don't wanna do that AT ALL. Because of you. I'm sorry if we hurt you. But talk to the person next time.


  1. Secret tip: Read my first post in March. That's the day I found out Amy and Holly were my roommates.

  2. Haha already did right before you posted it. I'm on my A-game. (Get it? You talked about Easy A and... I used... that letter too...)

  3. I am sooooooooooooooooooo angry right now. Underhanded little half-goats filth not ment to be beneath my shoes. Stinking buckets of fish I am insenced. Gahhhh I can't even think of a word bad enough for this.

  4. Meh. I'm just freakin sick of all this crap.
