Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tooth Fairy: Leading Kids to Gehenna

Little Candice Harrison finally felt the wiggling sensation in one of her central incisors. After hours of tugging, and shimmying(?) her little baby tooth, it lost its grip on her little pink gum and fell out. Carefully, she placed it under her pillow, and the next day, awoke to a shiny new quarter...or two...or twenty bucks (inflation). Oh. How sweet is that?!

But, what happened to Miss Candice Harrison?
Meet Candy. That's right. Candice grew and chose a less-than-desirable occupation charging $30-$150 an hour for her "services".

Stay with me. Prostitution is often referred to as the oldest profession, dating back to the beginning of time. Women were totally gypped and had no way of earning money. Well, it is said that men have always been at the mercy of their urges, and so women learned to sell their bodies for food, clothing and shelter.


Prostitution started because children like Candice learned they could sell their body parts for money. The Tooth Fairy taught them this. Eventually, (after a short phase of hack-sawing enemies and selling those body parts) girls, like Candice, realize they can sell their entire bodies.

So, remember the next time you tuck in your little toothless girl in for a sweet night: That mythical Tooth Fairy you told her about, could lead that little girl into the very depths of Hades.

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