Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Meat Market

As posted a few months ago, BYU is a meat market.

"Meat Market? Yes. Meat Market. What in the flippin' world is a meat market? Well, I will tell you. When you go to a butcher shop (aka "meat market") you see a world full of different meat. Ribs, steak, roasts, you name it, but you don't want to get some crappy meat with way nasty parts, so you inspect the meat carefully knowing you'll get some in the end. BYU is a meat
market. The meat? Girls. The shopper? Boys. It's kind of ridiculous."

That's what I wrote, and it's true. It REALLY is. I mean my good roommie, Sophia, has been asked on a million dates and has been in almost two relationships. Two of my other roommates have successfully landed boyfriends since their arrival at this University a few months ago. Ashley has been asked out a lot, and Jenna has been on several dates as well. In fact, almost every girl has. The guys are inspecting the meat. But, I realized something.

I'm the slimy, sour, E. coli ridden rump roast jammed in the back of the freezer.

I'm not saying that as a plea for attention, or anything stupid like that. I'm just saying that I must not be the prime target for these Y-boys. I've yet to be asked on any dates whatsoever, and a date that was set-up for me didn't work out...I got stood up on a date I wasn't even asked out on....

NOW, I don't really want to be some other lamb chop or top blade boneless steak under the glass of the butcher shop, but I mean really!
I don't know why I'm blogging/venting about this to you, my few readers, but I am.

Sophie says my lack of dating is because I often leave to hang with my good, excellent, amazing friends, Seth, Andrew, Dan, and sometimes Stuart, but I dare say that is not true. I do chill with them a lot, but I'm surrounded by students everyday, and hang out with guys and girls from around here too.

Well. Let us hope I do not offend. Because that could be a clear reason to my "problem" (it's not really..) But yeah.

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