Monday, October 25, 2010

Embrace the White

Today, I was walking back from the school in way too summery clothes for a terrible cold fall day, when something flashed before my eyes. I look down. What do I see? The top half of my foot peeking out from my shoe. It is so incredibly white, it temporarily blinded me.

Well, this is unfortunate. it, really? So, I decided to do some research (meaning I typed
"Do guys like pale girls?" into the google search engine and pressed "Enter"), and I decided to share my findings.

What the bored most probably lowlifes of the internet say:
  • "People are scared of Ghosts for a reason" :(
  • "I think they're sexy" :)
  • "I like them more than the nasty orange skins" :|
  • "If I love her, I will bright up her world" ?
  • "Tan girls are much more appealing to the eyes" :(
  • "White girls? Tan. Asians? Milky. Black? Beyonce." :(
  • "Pale is a good thing" :)
  • "As long as it suits you" :|
  • "Yes, I do! I love them!" :)
  • "I love tan!" :(
  • "Something about it seems clean and pure" :)
  • "Pale isn't good. Ewwwww" :(
Obviously, it depends on the person, but I was just curious. ANY
WAY, I also found a list of fair skinned celebs that I would like to point out.

1. Rose McGowan
2. Dita Von Teese
3. Nicole Kidman
4.) Evan Rachel Wood
5.) Nikole did that get there? Hmmm...
By they way, sorry for the lack of male celebrities, the only one I could think of was Robert Pattinson...and that's just unfortunate.

So, anyway, to all you fair skinned sufferers/enjoyers, I say, EMBRACE THE WHITE.

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