Friday, October 8, 2010

The Perfect Crime

The constitution clearly states that if a person commits a crime, they must be tried in the state the crime was committed with a jury from the district the crime was committed. WELL, there happens to be a district located in the Idaho portion of Yellowstone that is the place for the PERFECT CRIME!

Let us say that you happen to be in that portion of Yellowstone...and you accidentally and/or not so accidentally viciously murder someone. Obviously, you would get arrested and taken to Cheyenne to be tried by a jury of Wyomingnins in the Cheyenne area 21. WELL, Wyoming is NOT the state you committed a crime, Idaho is. So, constitutionally they would have to take you to Idaho for your trial. However, Amendment VI states that the jury has to be from the state (Idaho) AND the district (Wyoming) where the crime took place. Meaning, the jury would legally HAVE TO come from the Idaho portion of Yellowstone National Park. It just so happens that the 2000 Census states that the population of that area is precisely ZERO.

In other words, it is impossible to satisfy both parts of the Constitution. And if you do not consent to that Cheyenne trial, which you do not have to do, you should be able go free. The other option, I suppose, would be to have a jury created of bears, moosen, and whatnots. (Yes, I know it's not really moosen)

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