Friday, October 8, 2010


Love. Angel. Music. Baby. (LAMB) is the name of Miss Gwen Stefani's solo album released in 2004. It has many a good song: Crash, Bubble Pop Electric, Harajuku Girls, and WIND IT UP (among others, of course)But, guess what? LAMB is also the name of Gwen's own fashion line!!!Personally, I am a FAN of this fashion! So, I decided to follow in Gwen's footsteps and create my own fashion line. I'll call it...
Beauty. Ideal. Righteous. Delicious.
Lovely. Invincible. Omniscient. Neat.
Clothes....I'm running out of ideas.
Forget the name, let us think of the fashion.

My first outfit is a piece I call "9,10, Never Sleep Again" inspired by Nightmare On Elm Street.
Notice the red and green stripes resembling the sweater
that a Mr. Freddy K wears in the movie. The hat, too, was taken from Freddy. It will be ALL THE RAGE.

My second design was inspired by Donatello. No, not the artist. It is called "Penicillin Pizza"
Notice how the purple bow represents the ninja mask thing the ninja turtle wears. See? Brilliant. I'm still working on how to incorporate the bo staff.

Thirdly, is the "Coturnix Coturnix" inspired by Quail.

Yeah, I know. You WILL be seeing these clothes all over your school by next season. However, all you New York peoples, Bask in the Damage comes, you might have to wait a little while before recruiting me to the big fashion frenzy.

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