Monday, April 11, 2011

Sorry Kids

I was sitting all by me-self remembering all the fun things I did as a kid...and I realized that there are quite a few things that my kids will never enjoy.

1. Awesome Smoke Bubbles.
My parents would always blow their cigarette smoke into bubbles which were so fun and awesome to pop! But my kids will never know the joys. Why? 1.The whole cancer second-hand smoke thing, and 2....I don't smoke.

2. "Drinking" Parties.
My mom taught us kids exactly how to take shots at a young age. NEVER with alcohol, she's not that stupid ;) (Just kidding, I love her!) But we learned the attitude, the actions, how to react to the "burn", how to wash it down with water...stuff like that. Sometimes their buddies would come over and we were the center of attention showing off our "skills" to a group of laughing adults. But I do not drink...and really have no intention to start.

3. Shootin' .
Don't get me wrong, my kids can shoot guns with us as much as they like, because it's super fun! What they will not do, however, is go to a busy campground and shoot beer cans with their Dad with little to no knowledge of gun safety...however that WAS ridiculously fun!

4. Box Love.
Kids should certainly use their imaginations or whatever...but as I recall sitting in a box every single day for HOURS and HOURS on end, I have to wonder how I turned out as somewhat normal as I have. ..I literally just put a box on the lawn and sat in it. Just sat there. In a box. By myself. All day.

5. NICE stuff.

I had my fair share of nice things growing up...A super cool bike (stolen), TWO video cameras for my little movie making phase (broken), a giant beautiful bunk bed (destroyed), an antique toy box (someone's foot went through it), a TOWERING book shelf (shelves split down the center), my own huge stereo (lost...I still can't explain that one), diamond earrings (missing)...

Sorry kids. You're missing out on some good times, but it is what it is.

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