Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Odious Seth McGuire

Have you ever seen Seth McGuire? Have you ever met him? If you have, then you don't have to bother reading this post, but if you haven't, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: he is satanic.

Upon first meeting this despicable excuse for a human, your initial reaction will probably go a little something like this, "What in the blazes is that one blog girl talking about?!? Seth is GREAT." Yeah. I thought that too. (except for the "blog girl" part, because that girl is me, and that wouldn't really make sense....)

But, then, I learned the truth.

Let me first explain why people are so easily fooled into thinking this barbarian is not half bad.

See what I mean? When I first met this guy, I thought he would be just fine.

But this is why he is not:

We will start with his "humor". Not only is it incredibly inappropriate, but it is awfully rude and annoying. His brutish comments make one feel as though their self-esteem has been squished into a blender, pureed, poured out into a beer mug, and quaffed by a greasy, fat, balding man in the gutters of Austin, Texas. I suppose to some of you unhallowed Americans (or of the like) this is perfectly acceptable; however, to the rest of us, this behavior is damnable.

Some of you still doubt his depravity? Alright. Let me continue.

His "kindness" is completely nonexistent. Sure, he's polite enough when he has to be, but this kid is the definition of cruelty. If Seth, or should I say, Apollyon, doesn't like someone, he will let you know in the RUDEST way possible. No one gets along with everyone, but most people have the decency to let bygones be bygones, ignore their enemy completely, or tell their adversary of their hatred towards them directly to their face. And then, there's people like Seth. These people talk mercilessly about people behind their backs saying things like, "She is stupid and ugly" or "No one should like her", and the like. But it gets worse, when the victims of this ruthless gossip are around Seth, he intentionally treats them like they are idiots. He rolls his eyes, stares at them blankly with the "you're an idiot" face, and even insults them. How very rude.

I could go on for days about the fiendish tendencies of this young man, but I will close with this: Seth's egotistical behaviors cause most everyone else to feel inferior. This is not okay. Many a depression and/or suicide could result from this bad habit of his.

Plus, sometimes he's icky and swears.

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