Friday, September 24, 2010

1,000 of my Closest Friends

I have a friend...coughstuartcough..., a close friend, and, according to his Facebook statistics, he has 1,000 other close friends. I think that's great, really I do. So, I thought I would let everyone know, that I, too, have at least one thousand chumps, buds, friends, if you will.

First, I have my 213 Facebook friends. These are the friends that I peer into their lives, and stalk, from Aaron, who I think is the brother of someone I met once maybe, to Zachary, who I believe was the creepy kid everyone felt bad for back in Elementary School. Among these friends, I also have the Tres Amigos, which is actually only dose friends, because I'm one. The Tres Amigos consists of me, Seth, and Dan, and we are awesome. Also included in this group of buddy-buddies are my roommates. All five of 'em, although that is rather deceiving since it's possible not all of them are friends, but they do have the label of "friend" as defined by the all-knowing, they count. My bandmates are also in this group. BASK IN THE DAMAGE, which is basically the Tres Amigos plus Andrew. And we rock! (Get it? Rock...heh). And, I musn't forget those who went to the Valley of the Goblins (tres amigos - Seth +Stuart + Jackson, but this is just getting ridiculous) Anywho, so these 213 people are definitely real close.
Next, I have my 176 friends in in church, and no, I left out the Facebook friends so I'm not double counting or whatever. They are really friends! I mean, I know like four of them by name...well five, because I found out that there are 5 Jordans. So...I have a 5/182 chance of being right if I call someone Jordan. But, really, we are tight. I mean, I've ditched group prayer and fake family home evening almost every single week, and they know me enough to not pester me about it or care.

I also have my physical science class. Now there's a group of friends! 210 of the brightest, smartest, coolest kids ever! I love all of them! Especially the Indian kid with the weird lisp voice that so kindly informed all of his friends, meaning the entire class, of the first man-made earthquake, where some-odd million people jumped at exactly the same time. Oh, he is so smart. Of course, they are ALL my friends, not just him. He's simply the example of all the greatness of that particular group of comrades

Some real good friends of mine are the ones I've met playing Halo online. I'll round down just to be nice. We'll just say 300, I must admit, that's a real ROUGH estimate and I probably have a lot more friends, and don't get me wrong, we're REAL close, I just have never counted. We love to tease each other, and talk, and sing, and play games. So fun.

Next, I've got my 55 confidants on the Board of Directors for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. These guys are great! Truly. They send me letters and invitations ALL THE TIME! They even continue to send them after I've ignored them completely, how nice is that? And they're always inviting me to do things. For example, just this past week they sent me an invitation to go on a walk with them. So nice.

I've got to be GOOD friends with 30 people I walked by today. Especially the awkward girl laying completely spread eagle on the grass, and the my friend that was singing Oklahoma. Man, I love these guys.

I also have some of my old neighbors. We'll count 10, because really, they're all old and keep dying. The only family around has like 3 kids, but I'm only counting two. One is a baby that is quite the ugly little thing...and he throws up a ton, so I am most certainly not counting him as my friend. So that's four. The other six are young couples. So cute. We are such pals.

Then, there's 3 Teacher's Assistants, who are really really awesome. We get along like peas in a pod. They're so cool; I love how they stare at me awkwardly and pretend to be my professor. I also adore how hard they grade my assignments.

Finally, there's me, myself and I. We are bffs!!!

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