Thursday, March 4, 2010

I remember when I used to have good days or bad days...I could wake up and say "This is going to be good day," and then it was, or "Cripes.This is gonna suck," and then it did. Now, I wake up and say, "GAH!!! Chemistry test!!! I hate everything nice!!! I'm gonna have a horrible day," and my day really is horrible...for an hour. But the world is all weird and different now. After an hour or two of my awful day, something changes. Someone says "hi" of gives me a compliment, and I feel good for another hour or two...then, another change, and I feel dejected all over again. It's not necessarily a bad thing, and it's perfectly's just interesting.

I guess it's all about the outlook, right? I suppose if someone is optomistic all the time, their hours of bad dayness would occur a lot less often. Of course, that's not the only thing that can shorten the number of sucky hours. Being nice to people always makes me happy...or doing something crafty...or hangin' out with cooler members of the human race (judging by that sentence, I'm not one of them).

I'm not trying to be preachy. I'm just saying, life is all freaky. Really I just wanted something to blog about, and this seemed like a good idea. I should really stop'm going to...

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