Thursday, March 18, 2010


That's me IN the waterfall...just so ya' knows.

So, I have two goals in writing this blog.
1.) Talk about McKann, because she said to
2.)Prove Stuart wrong/ demonstrate my plans to prove Stuart wrong about my hiking inability

So, here we go:
1.) McKann is awesome, cute, and super fun to be around. She also has a really cool ringpop-lookin' necklace.

Okay, check.

2.)So, recently I went on a little hike with my buds Stuart and Jackson...ahem...Pope and Tank...As mentioned in Stuart's blog, I wasn't exactly very, well, good. I think it was because of one, or both, of two possibilities. One, the mixture of cold and night air basically killed me. Or, two, over the past few winter months I became extremely chubbified aka unfit. (The second one is pretty likely...)However, I'm going to prove that I do, in fact, love outside adventures/hiking in two ways: past and future.

These are some of the super cool adventures/hikes I have previously been on.

Goblin Valley-hiking in this canyon is a lot more like canyoneering. The three feet of FREEZING water wedged in the three foot wide canyon was a definite blast.

Calf Creek Falls
-this hike is so fun, and can be done barefoot in the sand. Plus, the destination is beyond gorgeous!
River Rafting/kayaking-yeah...not hiking, but adventurous all the same! I've gone rafting a few times, and the best place to go, hands down, is the Colorado River. Awesome!
Kayaking is a different story. I only went once, this past September, on the Provo River, and I got pretty injured...still got some scars. I don't have any pictures of my kayaking, but I got some pics of my grotesque injured legs...I decided I should post one to torture you all in the grotesqueness. Although, it looked way worse in real life, because you can't see the cool bruisage in the picture...anyway...

This is taking too long...I'm just gonna put some pictures of me doin' stuff now and call it good.
Now, my plan for adventurous things this summer:
  • Sky Diving
  • Hiking through California
  • Hiking Timp
  • Surfing
  • Hiking through Zions
  • Canyoneering
  • Rock Climbing
  • Mountain Biking (Perhaps Mount Unicycling, if I can get a mountain unicycle instead of just my street one that broke...)
  • Back to Goblin Valley :D
  • Other various activities of awesomeness.
See ya later extreme unfitness!!!

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