Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Status Facebook Wouldn't Let Me Have

I was driving...uh early this morning...and there were very few cars on the road. So, I started thinking, "I bet all these early morning drivers are heading towards some really sucky job or home from some really sucky job," but then I realized, "They can't ALL have super sucky jobs. I wonder how many of them are driving home from killing zombies with super good friends just like me..." but then I thought, "wait a second, not very many could actually be that awesome." And then, I was like, "hmm...awesome is spelled with four different words in it 'a', 'we', 'so', and 'me' that's kind of cool. Ooh, if you say it like that a-we-so-me, it sounds asian" and then I got home. Fin.

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