Friday, March 5, 2010

Oh the Insanity

There are many things that drive me crazy. I'm sure I don't know why, but they do. There's really nothing to be done about them, because they can't be stopped. In any case, I made a list of them. So here it is, the list of things that drive me crazy in no particular order.

Things that make me go berserk:
  • One letter/emoticon texts (i.e. "k", ":)". ":o")-Not only are they a complete waste of time, they're really hard to reply to...and, yet, they're an awful end to a conversation
  • Casseroles-Food is good. I love it. Somehow, when you squish every food into one big dish and hope they all cook to perfection, the joy of food is lost...and found murdered...and mutated...and thrown in a river.
  • Disney "Stars"-this is an interesting one. Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, etc. (of course, those are the top two) are really quite horrible! I mean...they're really not good at all. Singing is meh, but goodness their acting makes me technicolor yawn! Maybe I just don't appreciate their style...I don't know
  • Politics-if I can have a conversation about something political that miraculously solves the problem instantly and doesn't end in some kind of pointless argument, then maybe politics would be just fine.
  • People Pretending to Care-if you don't care about a problem I'm having or something, just tell me. Acting like you care when you don't is awfully rude.
  • Poofy Hair/Box Heads-ratting your hair to make it huge and ugly is weird. That's all.
  • Kitch- I like a well decorated enviroment, but if there are so many kitchy knick-knacks that I can't breathe...I will leave.
  • People that don't get it-you know what I mean. People who make no attempt to mesh in with society in an attempt to be individuals are obnoxious. I'm sure they're lovely people in all reality, but they need to show it somehow in a somewhat normal way.
  • Timpview getting your hopes up for a day off from school and then ripping all your hopes and dreams away!!!!
  • Volume of public events-maybe I have super sensitive hearing or something, but I really can't stand how loud everything seems to be! Movies, concerts, brain explodes.
  • Embarrassing moments-I hate embarrassing myself. I really do.
  • Writing with a weird mixture of upper and lower case-fRieNDs...stupid.
I'm pretty sure this isn't the entire list, but it's a snippet . And, ya' know, it doesn't really matter. There's nothing that can be done...but I guess things driving you crazy is life.

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